Tons of misconceptions about the "best" type of housing for pet rats exists all over the internet.Bleuming Tails believes in science, and scientifically-backed facts regarding housing and bedding safety.
For years, pine has been touted as being dangerous due to the level of phenols found in the wood. However, the kiln-drying process destroys these phenols and renders the product safe. Nearly all commercially sold pet bedding in the US is kiln-dried, as it’s also the most cost-effective way to dry large amounts of pine. KDP has natural odor and ammonia control, and is very cheap to purchase.
Similar to KDP, aspen is another type of acceptable wood bedding that offers natural ammonia and odor control. Aspen primarily comes in flake form, and does tend to be more expensive than KDP.
A type of bedding that is rarely discussed is corncob bedding. From all the studies, it shows that rats frequently prefer it over wood beddings, and it has a high absorbency and relatively decent ammonia control. So why isn’t it used as much? Simply put, once wet, corncob bedding has a nasty habit of molding rather quickly, and it isn’t very cost-effective
While paper beddings tend to be highly absorbent, they offer absolutely no ammonia control, let alone odor control. Rats and other rodents have also been known to ingest the paper beddings. They also tend to be very dusty compared to other bedding options.
Hemp is a newcomer to the bedding scene. It touts great odor and ammonia control and is an alternative to wood shavings. Unfortunately, it is fairly pricey and is difficult to find reliably.
Fleece has zero natural odor or ammonia control. Unless treated beforehand, liquids also tend to pill on top of the fleece or get wicked underneath, leaving a puddle of urine to sit and ferment. Fleece, in order to be used properly, must be swapped out every two days and a secondary absorbent layer must be beneath it to allow for the urine to dry. Ammonia levels quickly become dangerous when fleece is used incorrectly. Bleuming Tails Rattery does not endorse the use of fleece due to the difficulty of using it correctly.
Cedar is never acceptable as the kiln-drying process does not reduce the phenols to safe levels as it does with pine.
Rats, like hamsters, require a large amount of living space. However, the minimum is far less than the arbitrary 2 sq ft commonly found among pet forums. Studies have shown that rats receive no negative effects when housed in spaces that allot for .5-1 sq ft of space per rat. Of course, if you have the ability to provide more space, do so, but remember that rats are a burrowing animal and large, open spaces can cause behavioral and fear problems.
Rats are fossorial by nature and prefer floor space over vertical space. In other words, rats prefer to burrow rather than climb. A fall from a tall cage can result in serious injury, as they are not particularly graceful. Rats have extremely sensitive respiratory systems and react poorly to any amount of ammonia or other scents in the room. Even a change in the type of bedding can trigger the sniffles.
Traditionally, barred cages are top-of-mind when it comes to enclosures. Barred cages should have spaces no larger than one-half inch wide. If a rat can fit its head through a hole, it can fit its entire body. When cleaning a barred cage, you must be sure to wipe down each bar to prevent the buildup of urine and dangerous ammonia. For cages such as the Double Critter Nation, the entire cage needs to be broken down and thoroughly rinsed as urine and grime filters into the joints of the cage.
A popular caging option is a bin cage. A bin cage is crafted from a 110 quart Sterilite bin and has multiple windows cut out and replaced with half-inch wire mesh. Because rats are fossorial, these bins offer a great amount of floor space, and they can be decorated similarly to a barred cage. A 110 quart can hold, on average, 4 adult males and 5 adult females respectively and costs roughly $40. These cages can be customized and can be as large as you want by connecting bins with PVC piping. Be sure to watch the 6-part video surrounding bin cages that can be found here:
Bleuming Tails Rattery does not endorse the use of tanks for rats as enclosures. Tanks, due to lack of ventilation, build up ammonia in a dangerously short amount of time. Even with commercially sold tank toppers, the ammonia settles into the bottom of the tank, as it is heavier than air. Tanks are heavy and difficult to clean and do not offer the correct amount of space or enrichment opportunities for happy pet rats.
While some homemade cages can work, cages crafted primarily from wood are generally unacceptable. Unless thoroughly sealed, the wood will soak up urine and will smell very quickly without any way to properly clean and remove the smell. Other types of homemade cages, such as ones built with PVC frames, often offer ample escape routes and require a lot of editing and maintenance.
Price: $310.99 for a double, $188.99 for a single
Pros: High-quality, spacious, fully-opening doors, good for large mischiefs (6 in a single, 12 in a double)
Cons: Difficult to properly clean, requires modifications for bedding, bulky, expensive
Price: $259.99 for a double, $169.99 for a single
Pros: High-quality, spacious, fully-opening doors, included urine guards
Cons: Difficult to clean, requires modifications for bedding, bulky, expensive
Price: $365.99 for a double, $213.99 for a single
Pros: Spacious, included urine guards. deeper included pans
Cons: Difficult to clean, requires modifications for bedding, very expensive, only one opening door
Price: $128
Pros: Spacious, deep base, 3/8 in bar spacing, cost-effective for size
Cons: solid shelves collect feces and urine
Price: $96.00
Pros: Deep base, easy to clean, good option for a trio, great price, wire spacing good for young rats and dwarves
Cons: Too small for large colonies, solid shelves will collect urine/feces, plastic base
Price: $114.00
Pros: Deep base, easy to clean, good option for a trio, great price, wire spacing good for young rats and dwarves
Cons: Too small for large colonies, solid shelves will collect urine/feces, plastic base
Price: $139.95
Pros: Deep base, easy to clean, good option for a trio
Cons: Too small for large colonies, higher priced, solid shelves will collect urine/feces, plastic base
Price: $139.90
Pros: Deep base, 1/2 in wire spacing, deep base
Cons: Plastic offers chewing points, solid shelves will collect feces and urine, difficult to decorate, small doors