Bleuming Tails Rattery

Rat genetics

Rat genetics are thoroughly detailed due to their invaluable service in the research community. Easier to understand than dog, horse, or mouse genetics, rats offer enthusiasts the perfect gateway to learning the basics of understanding genetics.

What are they really?

Do rats have breeds?

Rats do not have breeds in the same manner as a dog, cat, or horse. All domestic rats are the same breed but are, instead, different varieties. Rat varieties are the same idea as the difference between a yellow Labrador vs a black Labrador. It’s the same breed, but it has different physical characteristics.

So what does it mean?

Our pet rats belong to the species Rattus norvegicus, commonly called the Norway rat. Since our pet rats are all the same species, this means that the term “fancy rat” is referring to domestic rats as a whole. A fancy rat is any domesticated rat, regardless of variety.

Roof rats, or Rattus rattus, is another species of rat that is commonly mistaken for our domesticated Norway rats, but Rattus rattus is not domesticated. At this time, very few reputable breeders are working toward domestication of this species in the correct and safe way. 

Does their variety change their temperament?

Different varieties do not have different temperaments due to that variety. A dumbo rat is not inherently sweeter or dumber than its standard eared counterpart. An albino rat is not going to be inherently more aggressive or skittish than its non-albino counterparts. Temperament is mostly caused by genetics. This is why purchasing from reputable breeders helps ensure that your pets have the best temperaments possible. Reputable breeders strive to breed animals who display naturally sweet, inquisitive behaviors in order to produce more animals who are also naturally brave and friendly. 

Rat Genetics

Coming soon

Having access to current and accurate information across all aspects of domestic rats is extremely important to BTR.

Detailed care guides are already available to help new and old rat fanciers alike stay up-to-date on best practices for their beloved pets, and now a school-like course will become available for rat enthusiasts to expand their knowledge set.

It’s my hope that this course, while not “official” in an academic sense, will become a go-to resource for those wanting to learn accurate genetics based on current fancy knowledge, and standards set by 2 major clubs:

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